Sunday, March 21, 2010

Epic day, thanks to fishing... Sort of

I got four big gear upgrades today, and fishing is partly to blame for it all.

So I get home, log in, and pick up a few easy dailies. I always do the cooking daily first, because I usually start out in Dalaran, and they are basically 13g for about 2 minutes of your time. Next, I go to pick up the fishing daily. Today, that happened to be the Ghostfish quest. I pick that up and start to fly over to Sholazar. I'd just taken off when I noticed that Horde had WG, which is somewhat rare on Ravenfail, where 85% of the server population is Alliance. I'd already started flying, but I figured I should try to get in on a VoA pug before anything else. We all need frost badges, right? And the chance to roll on some easy T10 gear is pretty sweet, too. So I'm wishing that I hadn't flown all the way to Sholazar, and when I approach the FP in WG, I actually landed. Must have misclicked, I guess. I join a 25m VoA pug, and we one shot Toravon (I was not very impressed with myself DPS-wise, but we won. Lots of target switching kinda screws up affliction locks' dps). Hooray, frost badges.

Raid leader: Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings, ROLL


"Baconface rolls a 95"
"Raid Leader rolls a 4" <-- The only other lock in the raid, and also loot master XD

So he reluctantly hands them over. I know that had to hurt. Especially considering that the legs I had on are known to be preferred over the T10 legs. In my defense, it wouldn't have been a huge upgrade for him, either - he had the reg T10 legs.

OK, so after all that I finally go do my fishing daily. The Kaluak Derby was coming up in about 30 min, so I thought I'd check out Sholazar while I was there for a place with a high density of pools. I decided it was too crowded, so I flew out to Unu'pe and headed to the Frozen Sea, which was not crowded, and has a good density of pools. Started fishing pools at 1:59pm, and gave up at 2:20pm when I still had no shark. I understand that this contest usually takes 5 min to lose (or win), but my luck had been pretty good so far today, so I stuck around, thinking that maybe the rest of the server had been extremely unlucky. Not the case. So no Salty title today, but there's the STV contest again tomorrow - I was SO SO close last week.

Anyway, I was about to go to bed, and I remembered that I had the mats in my bag to get some Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers made. Now I could wear them, since those legs solved my hit shortage. By the time I had those crafted, my guild started up an ICC10 group, which I had signed up for, and totally forgotten about. So I joined up, sacrificing a few hours of sleep (which I later recouped at work, hehe). Long story short, I got a great caster sword, got the rep I needed to get the first Ashen Verdict ring, and downed the first four bosses in ICC in fairly short order. Festergut had our number, though. Time to watch some strat vids.

So with only a slight stretching of reason and logic, I can say that because of fishing, I got FOUR ilvl 251 or higher epics today.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Other stuff I'm doing

I know this is supposed to be fishing related, but I just thought I'd throw in a post about some of the other things I'm working on, or have completed recently.

Leggings of Woven Death - Just got these pants, which are completely sick. They cost a fortune, though. Eight Primordial Saronite and ten each of Spellweave and Ebonweave. I think my total cost was somewhere in the neighborhood of 16,000g.

T10 helm - Just got this last week. This plus the shoulders gives me the 2-piece set bonus, which I'm not too sure about. The T9 4-piece bonus is better, I think, but T10 is loaded with haste, which almost makes up for it. I'm just guessing because I'm too lazy for theorycrafting.

My guild is in the middle of a severe tank shortage, so I'm trying to learn to tank on my DK. Right now I'm on day two of being a tank. I haven't actually tanked anything yet, though. I'm still ironing out the gear situation, since all I have are various odds n' ends that I picked up doing heroics as dps. It's mostly blue gear, but I have something for nearly every slot. Right now (and mind you I still need lots of gems and enchants), I'm sitting at about 21k health, 21600 armor in Frost presence, 496 def, 17.58% dodge, and 13.49% parry. Not too terrible for just a bunch of crap I had in the bank. I'm starting out as blood, but I respecced my other spec as frost so I could see which one felt more comfortable.

ICC - I don't get to raid that often because my work schedule is weird, but I've successfully downed ONE boss at least - Saurfang. We had to call it after that because everyone started having lag issues.

I changed my Alchemy spec from elixir to transmute. I hadn't had a proc on making flasks in months, anyway. Yesterday, though, I got three gems for the price of one, so the switch has already paid for itself (costs 150g to switch specs). It's also awesome because I need lots of gems for my DK.

Loremaster - I'm 17 quests away from Loremaster of Northrend achievement. Kinda hard to find groups for those group quests in Icecrown - especially at 8am. I plan to go for the whole Loremaster achievement, but it's going to be a long haul. The faction change really messed up the amount of quests I've received credit for. Not including Outland quests (of which I need 169), I need 1006 more quests for the Loremaster achievement. I need 1402 for the "Seeker" title. Phew - that's gonna take forever. Hope I can finish it by the time Cataclysm drops.

That's about all I have going on right now. Can you feel the excitement?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

WAAAAHHHH!!!!! *snot and tears*

39. 3939393939. AAAARRRRRGH!!!!

Some Observations


Like I said in my last post, I transferred servers. Now I am Horde, and grossly outnumbered by little bastard ally children (kidding - sort of - according to one website, Horde makes up 11% of this server's population)...

I'm early. I have a spot staked out on the east side, up north by the ruins. I'm standing on top of a small hill, trying to make myself look big and trying to give others the impression that this spot is already crowded by pulling out a companion pet along with my felhunter. It's gotta work, right? I'll just have to wait and see if it gets crowded. I'm hoping it'll be completely deserted and I'll be the only one competing, but that's pretty much just wishful thinking. It's 45 minutes until the contest begins and a quick /who says there are two other 80's in the zone. I'm hoping they're not rabid anglers after my trophy.

I'll sign off for now. Another update to come after the Tournament.

I'm back

I gave up on it for quite a while, as you can probably see by the date of my last post, but now I'm back, and determined to get this title. Blizzard made me change my name, understandably :)

Now I'm Horde, Baconface, Ravencrest.

I re-read all the stories on the Tourney, both victorious, and the crushing defeats.

I'm rusty (been fishing, still, but no Tourney attempts), so I expect to lose. On the other hand, I'm on a different server, and the achievements have been around for a while, so that may work to my advantage. I expect to lose this one, but that won't stop me from trying. I'm doing this solo, too. No spotters or griefers to help me out. I'll report back later with the results. Hopefully I'll have a new pole and title. Wish me luck - I know all 0 of you will. (LOL - I'm not gonna kid myself)